July 19, 2006

Ranfurly Jam!

the wellington boys are always good to ride/drink with

im going to catch the $10 bus down from auckland for this

i cant wait.


sweet flyer eh!

July 05, 2006

. . .

heres a video that Billy made about his trip to NZ last novemeber . . .

May 10, 2006

no updates . ..for awhile

yeah so.
as most of the loyal prophecy viewer's have probably noticed i've been slacking on the updates.
just over a week ago I moved up to auckland & i dont have a camera here.
now you're probably thinking. what about luke...he has a fancy camera.
well yeah. hes just a fucking slacker.
or if you wernt thinking that and were thinking why the hell did you leave rotorua for auckland.
i wish i could tell you.

so yeah.
untill I sort out my money & figrue out how many H.P's I can afford i wont be adding any pictures to here.
I'll try & get Luke to update this at some point...he has some good pic to put up aswell.

thats about it.

if you have an old digi cam to get rid of/sell then lemme know.
i dont really care how shitty it is...as this is a pretty shitty blog.
shoot me a 'computer generated message' on ryan.gray@hotmail.com
but dont add me to msn...i hate randoms.

oh yeah.
adam stinks.


April 28, 2006

Get Digging!

this is for all of you.

Cody & I went for a dig by ourselves yesterday.
we had a whale of a time & doubled the wideness of the 5th in an hour.

Just think if there had of been 4 of us. and 2 hours.

Cody, rockin' the spade.

I cant wait to dig again!
because trails are the best.
I've had dreams about them the last couple of nights.
I've got the fever...trail fever!

dad just said to 'beat the feet'
So i guess im gone

shitty update aye!

April 17, 2006

drunken tards

If what Luke says is correct then hes going to add the riding pictures in at the bottom of this update.
If he can stop talking to 39472898324.5 girls for half a second.

On Thursday I went up to Auckland to see the Cold By Winter/Jonestown Sydnicate show + see a couple of pep's.
On Saturday I made my way back, but with luke in the back sseat playing has gat & almosting knocking my head off with the damn thing.

We got back around 5ish, where we met Simon & Cody at the skatepark then headed back to my place. People got their alcohol then proceeded in having a couple of quiets.

At some point later in the night Moffat, Kirk, Itchy & The Bastard arrived, Brian was already intoxicated & you'll probably see in pauls video just how crazy he was.

The fridge before pep's got back with even more Ranfulry...and something that has stone in the name? $8 for 12!

Cody, with the best of both worlds. Nice hat.

Simon, you know how he rolls. Thick.

Luke, ugh. I cant think of anything to say that isnt an insult.
The hats were awesome on this evening.

ugh...rock on? west..no...door frame.

still DRE

"whats that...I smell...EMU"

This was during the game, Cody pretty much picked up every 'finish what you got' card.

Sorry ladies, but cody is definatly closed.

but then on the other hand. . .


go one...you know you want. otherwise he will be forced to drop to a size 9.

In about an hour from now one of Brians bottles had urine in it. yupyup.

Lukes a camera whore. and Moffat likes Pink.



for what you've all been waiting for.
I think its cody filming? I dont know if he meant to put it on video or not.
but either way.
it was a good thing that he did.
Luke & Simon. 3 Inches Of Blood + Alcohol.

Right Click & "Save Target As" to download Right Here

Now, Luke. its your turn.

I wanna see all the badly timed shitty angled photos that I took.

luke takes his fringe up his ass.

April 07, 2006

Shit, has it really been that long?

people have probably stoped bothering to come to this blog by now.
but yeah.
There havent been many updates because I've been slacking & luke lost a good months worth of pictures from his camera...including those hot myspace pictures.

Okay, I'll check to see if this update is going to be more than just writing.

okay, yup.

Heres a couple of shitty pictures, where people are going lower than they usually do, because they love me taking pictures of them riding.

Steven, head down. Must be the cool way. LOLerskates.
Oh yeah, its over the transfer aswell.

Simon, with his signature move.

Simon, Euro boost is what the file name is. but I've seen Simon go about twice as high as this, so lets just call it a euro over the gap.

Simon, Abubaca to fakie...belive it or not.

So, well. thats all the latest pictures. heres a couple of misc. that I dont think have shown up on the site.
but they probably have.

In case anyone was wondering what happened to Simons show winning Demio, its gone. thanks to a dumb ass at Taupo.

Also, this is Jeds new jump in Taupo.

Im sure I've posted this before.
anyway, its literally in a volcanic valley...their last jump landing colaspased and now theres a bunch of steam rising up where it once was.
crazy Taupo peps.

oh yeah, I forget to Mention awhile ago that the bastard got a pic on bmxonline, taken by losey I belive.
this was the picture:

pretty fancy stuff.

oh yeah, I dont think I even put this picture on this site...I probably did thoe.

Brian doesnt go big.

well we're on the subject of cool things.

Heres our dirt track, 2 months in.

If you're friends with us & are passing through town, feel free to give me a holla so we can get digging.

I finnaly got around to adding some more bullshit to this.
I really dont know what to say.

I found this picture on myspace:

For anyone that has actully been here you'll know how amazing this really is.

SO I thought I had more to say.

Anyone in Auckland wanna hire me to paint your fingernails?

March 28, 2006

SaTuRdAy StReEt RiDe

holla last sat we went 4 a street ride all around the Auckland city got a few pic so here they are

Brian the Bastard geting it double peaging down this YMCA rail
Louis did the rain next to it but every tine he did it the camra was
off or mophit was in my way GRRRRRRRR

Ichy feeble down med center ledge SWEET BRO

brian with a hugh hop showing this 2 us buy bunny hopping up this ledge SWEET BRO

George with a 180 off the ledge

Mophit double peging this white ledge very cool or should i say SWEET BRO

George & Louis rail hoping

Kirk was rideing good on sat i seen some good stuff from him like icepicking a ledge at the musium and doing this wall ride fakie on the sub box car barrier thing SWEET BRO

Brian the Bastard icepick to fakie on the car barrier RAD

George did a hand plant over this thats was pretty intence after several go's. He even through his bike so hard it bounced into the back of a parked ute lucky it was a ute we then went to the musem where there was allot of rideing going down well thats all fokes. Zombie jam is on this weekend so hope too see all u roto boys up here 4 that (no excuses ) and happy rideing

P.S sorry about the spelling im doing this b4 work today and im late but i wanted to get it finished and 4 u luke what up no updates ??????

March 14, 2006

Rotorua Dirt Jam...PAIN

So, well, because I'm lazy, I am just going to copy & paste the blog I did about the Jam on my myspace to here, so its going to be more about the people than the riding, not that I got many riding pictures anyway.
So, well, enjoy I guess.

Wow, this weekend was off the hizzy!

It all started friday night with drinks at my house, walking to stevens, getting kicked out of stevens, I stole Nic's bike to ride to the skatepark, drunk outa my mind to pick up Nate-dogg Timmy.

We ended up meeting up with the rest of the crue who were walking back to my hizzle, just to let you know how it was, I was already in the back seat of the pimp-mobile with 3 bikes, then the bastard decided to jump in on top of me, cody was on the roof, 2 more people were on the bonnet, adam was on the boot for awhile, untill he fell off...he ate it hard.

haha, good times! got back to my place & watched Aggroman & RIDE ON, 2 of the greatest videos ever. Check them out!

Oh, Mike was drunk, as in druuuunk.

Next day, being Saturday, woke up, got some shitty mcds for breakfast, then headed to the trails where gisborne were, it was super windy so we didnt really hang around for long, we more a less headed to the skatepark where the rest of wellington was, there ended up being about 30 riders at the skatepark...some silly stuff went down, slippy slippy!

It was then decided that we would head out to the Luge, after about 30mins of fucking around we finnaly made it up there, the crue consisted of these dicks:




Lurch shaded out on this picture...and I took it.

Luging was completly wild...WILD i tell you, so many crashes, jeff actully flipped his luge cart top over tail, I rolled over mark a couple times...bastard was a mad man...so much fun...cant wait to do it again.

oooh, yes, we saw some red bull girls at the top of the gondola, bastard harassed them, Lurch is rad and their number somehow ended up in my phone.

then at the bottom they found us, gave us more red bull and chatted for a bit.

funny enough almost everyone got in on this picture.

from luging I belive we made our way to the trails, and everyone slowly starting getting going, I somehow ended up being a judge...so I basicly had to sit on top of the hummer & write down the best tricks in my opinion, not the best lines, but tricks. . . yay!

jed sucks

tim rules.

Jeff is also up there with being almost cool.


oh yeah, alot of people ate shit...Timmy came off real bad with a broken ankle, nate dogg bruised his spleen, Simon ate it hard aswell.

fuckin rotorua!

after the dirt jam Adam stupidly let Bastard drive his car in the gravel pit...boy oh boy was it wild, redlining it in reverse, he even headed towards the piles of gravel & somehow got adams car airborn....was some funny shit.

after this everyone basicly got booze & got drunk, a few pep's came back to my house for a more mellow version than what seemed to happen at stevens, saftey meeting in the tent, Luke brought the whiteboard, nic brought the pens.

my hizzzle, Kirk fred joined us for the fun:


after drinking at my house a few of us made our way to stevens, which was wild!

after some altercasions elsewhere we finnaly made it back to my house for sleep.

well, the bastard arrived a bit alter, drunk my burbon and then went to sleep upstairs on the couch.

on sunday everyone headed home pretty early, apart from Nate dogg & tim, who hung around, well, because tim was in hospital. Nathan stayed at my house then I belive picked up timmy half way through the day & headed home.

I got a txt from tim at 4pm saying "U spray paint a jersy barrier fbm up the bum no babies we just went past it" OH HELL YEAH!

haha. yes.

oooh, and my toilet wall got attacked throughout the weekend...check it:

this is above my toilet:

it used to be a pic of Nick, who had the torso of the month . . .Im gutted.

ha ha, I also just noticed this today:

top stuff.


thats it..


what a masssive blog, i hope you enjoyed.

I only have one shitty new picture, i.e wannabe art fag shot, and this is it:


I missed out on so much this weekend, I guess you just had to be there.



newer pictures from this week

Simon, 180 smooth as butter OVER the cone...not around it.

Simon, lookback...turndown...take your pick.

Steven hopped the cone aswell.

Oh oh, check this...now: .Click Here For The Best Video You Will Ever See

yep, thats it.

trademe is a bad addiction when you dont have a job.