October 27, 2008

cheese loaded fries at wendys are shit

seriously. never even bother with them, I love Wendys with all my heart, but today I was let down by them for the first time ever.
"Cheese loaded fries" for $4.50. Which is basicly about 10 fries, horrible cheese sauce & shitty bacon left over bits.
don't waste your money! I can't warn you enough!!


Apart from that huge dissapointment today, Phillip, Cody, Simon, Jared, Jack & I went on a wee trip to Maketu, Papamoa & Tauranga.

After arriving at Maketu and riding around for 10 mins or so Jack exploded his wheel, shot mate.

Not a happy jackie!

Phillip flowin' around

After 30mins or so kinda realised that the park was pretty rubbish so decided to carry on, but not before Simon let his tyre have a sit on the bench . . .


he did a couple of times as cody left his video cam lens cam on. ha haaa

lens cap off this time!

Went to papamoa park for a bit, did some sweet flyouts, Simon went willddd and 360ed this and tailwhiped everything in sight.

Didn't take any pictures here tho. well. apart from this sweet one:


From here went to the terrible Wendys then to 17th ave park, my back is being an arse by this point so jack had a ride around on my bike.

jack shits sunshine

yeeapppp jack

IN the field next to the park there was a sweet dirt pile that had a couple lips dug into it, that was crap. but fun.

here jack gets back to his roots mountion biking whatt!


Simon hippin' the table.

most action simons seen in years

Simon downturnin

damn i take too many pictures of Simon.

simon again

three simon tables in a row? what!!

even cody was in shock!

Phillip is back again even if his leg is still bleeding from the other day

Simon yeepppppp

t-whip yo

I kinda took this pic without looking real quickly and it kinda turned out okay. Phillipp!

Papamoa was fun, day was fun. thanks everyonee

under the boooardddd walkkk BOARDWALK


October 21, 2008

thats why!

Todays blog entry travels through time over two or more days. Neat!

on Monday night we threw some dead animal's on the barB and had a feast thanks to Chef Cody!

Simon was beyond stoked!

Then we went to the skatepark and saw a motherfuckin' house coming down the road!

Cody was stoked!

Simon learnt no foot cans the wrong way & I didn't take the photo right.

Jack hung on to his tyre

Jack also cried alot.

Louis put a pretty rad video of their red bull trip up on the red bull speical op's website, pretty gay muic tho.

Special Ops And ZombieBMX Video. from Louis Bolter on Vimeo.

Brian The Bastard started up a store in Rotorua selling Quiet Chaos, Volucid, Odyssey, Fit, Duffs & Triple 6 products...next time you're in Rotorua check it out & help a brother out!

The store is located in:
Serious Fun
1207 Tutanekai Street

tooodayyyy went for a weeee ride. well simon was being a little bitch & stayed at home so jack cody & I went down.

Phillip and brian also came down for a bit

cody filming something beyond amazing

B.A rockin' a fakie to tailwhip

Phillip doing a whip the proper way....

all tho i don't think phillip was there for quite as long as he perhaps would have liked to. . .

he pretty much just pulled his leg up without realising that blood was pouring out his leg

t'was alot of blood

so, um Phillip decided to go home after this, hope you're good bro!

after a little bit we got back to riding, well cody got a flat and my back shat the bed so we took pictures of Jack. woohoo

cody takes the photoo

look at that lanky fucker. cody phtooo

Jack is Jay Miron happy all the time!

jack also does over rails

and t-hang rails

and up-rails to bum chum out

downturn on the hipp

second table on same hip for the update. yeahhh boiii

other angle of cody's photo

sunday is the jam in the ham. y'all should check it out...it will probably be raining but theres that big ass cover thing for you to get your flat on, on!

i'll leave you with some typical shots from homdizzle street:

bmx magazine reading, playstationing and watching playstating

trademe fo cars

feet up chilling???

something like that

goodnight eeeerreeebody