not so sure about the next day. but that day sounds rad.
last saturday langlands had a wee jam at his dirt jumps. not many people made it through because of a wild side wind. but was good times all round anyway.
heres a couple of pictures from the day/night.
local dude that killed it
killin it
Langlans is wild...
Langlans whipped every jump in a row. so silly
Picture doesn't really do it of the best dudes in bmx right now
Piggy/slapper of every girls ass in the club/grain silo finder/throwerupper of KFC.
Langlands and jed flipped it out. jed ate it and paul sent it. radness ensued.
Simon sent it and then . . .
photo somewhat sum's up the day. swappas, bmx, sly steven and girls.
not stalker at all . . .
in a yellow van on the way to lamingtons?? i was confused/still am
sober as
kinda rued?
you're sick of these photos right? ha. rad. if you're not, go to my photobucket for more:
stay rad!!
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