March 05, 2013

Roasting It in Queenstown

I just came back from a week in Queenstown for Red Bull Roast It.  It was such an epic week, drinking every night, riding every day, talking smack, bonfires on the beach (turns out thats illegal), Casino, hangovers etc.  There were a few American pro's, Kye Forte came over from England and a large amount of Aussie riders here.  Finals were amazing and Hucker is one of the most entertaining people to watch ride.  Jackie Liu wouldnt know though because he went to ride Arrowtown skatepark while the finals were on.  I didnt get many photos as per usual but here are a few from the times I did get the camera out. 

Jon Riddle has amazing style and a huge bag of tricks

Joe flowing through with heaps of style

This is where where we drank most nights down by the lake

My favourite riding photo from the trip.  Joe Simpson doing a kick-out on one of the hips
The most amazing place I have ever ridden my bicycle

8 foot Nate boosting the booter
Ive also got a heap of photos from the contest that I will upload at some stage.