April 25, 2005


To continue with the current trend of posting old pictures heres a couple of X*Air from earlier this year.

Cory Bohan, Tailwhip

Tim Casey, 360, Not in a drunken state

Bohan 2
Cory Bohan, 360 1 handed table...yeah yeah I posted the wrong picture

Mr Miron, Wallride to Turndown in the dimly lit X*Air Arena

Ali's One Lucky Man
Gary Young is totally checking out Whitton's crotch.

Maybe one of us will actully post something decent one day...maybe.

April 19, 2005

Video !

Hmm, its been awhile, for a few things.

As I wait for my video to upload I'll bore you for a bit.

At present I am awaiting a Tree order, which is bound to please.

I'm also waiting on my empire order, which Includes the new empire DVD, T-1 DVD and Megatour 4...I can't wait.

I turned 18 last week.

Simon, Steven and I took a trip up to auckland a could weeks ago, which for me was pretty lame as I was tired/hungedover on both days, and all we rode was Slic Vic park...woo

Anyway the videos uploaded. Click here to watch 'prophecyBMX_fool'

Watch and breakdance? along to it.
